class Sawmill::StatsMiddleware

A Rack middleware that writes a stats log. Insert this in your Rack stack to generate a stats log.

Public Class Methods

new(app_, logger_=nil, level_=nil, opts_={}) click to toggle source

Create a middleware object for Rack.

If you do not provide a logger object, one will be generated for you that simply logs to STDOUT.

Recognized options include:


The level to log at. Default is :ANY.


The name of a rack environment key where the stats data should be stored. If not specified, defaults to “sawmill.stats_data”.


The name of a rack environment key where the request ID can be obtained. If not specified, defaults to “sawmill.request_id”.


If present, stores the starting timestamp for the request in the given stat key. If absent, does not store this information.


If present, stores the ending timestamp for the request in the given stat key. If absent, does not store this information.


If present, stores the elapsed time for the request in the given stat key. If absent, does not store this information.


If present, stores the request ID for the request in the given stat key. If absent, does not store this information.


A proc that is called at the start of the request, and passed the logger and the rack environment. Optional. If a proc is provided and returns false, then stats logging is canceled for this request. Furthermore, any post_logger will not be called.


A proc that is called at the end of the request, and passed the logger and the rack environment. Optional. If a proc is provided and returns false, then stats logging is canceled for this request.

# File lib/sawmill/stats_middleware.rb, line 85
def initialize(app_, logger_=nil, level_=nil, opts_={})
  @app = app_
  @logger = logger_ || => 'stats', :processor =>
  @level = level_ || :ANY
  @stats_data_key = opts_[:stats_data_key] || 'sawmill.stats_data'
  @request_id_key = opts_[:request_id_key] || 'sawmill.request_id'
  @start_time_stat = opts_[:start_time_stat]
  @end_time_stat = opts_[:end_time_stat]
  @elapsed_time_stat = opts_[:elapsed_time_stat]
  @request_id_stat = opts_[:request_id_stat]
  @pre_logger = opts_[:pre_logger]
  @post_logger = opts_[:post_logger]

Public Instance Methods

call(env_) click to toggle source
# File lib/sawmill/stats_middleware.rb, line 100
def call(env_)
  env_[@stats_data_key] = stats_data_ = {}
  start_time_ =
  if @start_time_stat
    stats_data_[@start_time_stat.to_s] = start_time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.') + ('%06d' % start_time_.usec) + 'Z'
  enable_log_ = true
  if @pre_logger
    enable_log_ &&=, env_)
    if enable_log_
      if @request_id_stat
        stats_data_[@request_id_stat.to_s] = env_[@request_id_key]
      if @post_logger
        enable_log_ &&=, env_)
      if enable_log_
        end_time_ =
        if @end_time_stat
          stats_data_[@end_time_stat.to_s] = end_time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.') + ('%06d' % end_time_.usec) + 'Z'
        if @elapsed_time_stat
          stats_data_[@elapsed_time_stat.to_s] = end_time_ - start_time_
        @logger.add(@level, ::JSON.dump(stats_data_))