class Sawmill::Logger

This is the Sawmill logger. It duck-types most of the API of the logger class from the ruby standard library, and adds capabilities specific to Sawmill.

Public Class Methods

new(opts_={}) click to toggle source

Create a new logger.

Supported options include:


Use a custom Sawmill::LevelGroup. Normally, you should leave this set to the default, which is Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS.


Default level to use for log messages when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s default, which in the case of the standard levels is :INFO.


Default level to use for attributes when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s highest, level, which in the case of the standard levels is :ANY.


Progname to use in log messages. Default is “sawmill”.


Progname to use in special log entries dealing with log records (i.e. record delimiters and attribute messages). Default is the same as the normal progname setting.


A proc that generates and returns a new record ID if one is not explicitly passed into begin_record. If you do not provide a generator, the default one is used, which generates an ID using the variant 4 (random) UUID standard.


A processor for log entries generated by this logger. If not specified, log entries are written out to STDOUT.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 80
def initialize(opts_={})
  @level_group = opts_[:level_group] || opts_[:levels] || STANDARD_LEVELS
  @level = @level_group.get(opts_[:level])
  if opts_.include?(:attribute_level)
    @attribute_level = @level_group.get(opts_[:attribute_level])
    @attribute_level = @level_group.highest
  @progname = opts_[:progname] || 'sawmill'
  @record_progname = opts_[:record_progname]
  @record_id_generator = opts_[:record_id_generator] || Logger._get_default_record_id_generator
  @processor = opts_[:processor] ||
  @current_record_id = nil

Public Instance Methods

<<(message_) click to toggle source

Emits an “unknown” log entry. This is equivalent to the corresponding method in ruby’s logger class, which dumps the given string to the log device without any formatting. Normally, you would not use this method because it bypasses the log formatting and parsing capability.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 143
def <<(message_)
  add(@level_group.default, message_)
add(level_, message_=nil, progname_=nil) { || ... } click to toggle source

Emit a log message. This method has the same behavior as the corresponding method in ruby’s logger class.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 99
def add(level_, message_=nil, progname_=nil, &block_)
  level_obj_ = @level_group.get(level_)
  if level_obj_.nil?
    raise Errors::UnknownLevelError, level_
  return true if level_obj_ < @level
  progname_ ||= @progname
  if message_.nil?
    if block_given?
      message_ = yield
      message_ = progname_
      progname_ = @progname
  case message_
  when ::String
    # Do nothing
  when ::Exception
    message_ = "#{message_.message} (#{message_.class})\n" +
      (message_.backtrace || []).join("\n")
    message_ = message_.inspect
  @processor.message(,, progname_, @current_record_id, message_))
Also aliased as: log
append_attribute(key_, value_) click to toggle source

Emits an append-attribute log entry in the current record. You must specify a key and a value as strings.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 226
def append_attribute(key_, value_)
  attribute(key_, value_, :append)
attribute(key_, value_, operation_=nil, level_=true, progname_=nil) click to toggle source

Emits an attribute log entry in the current record. You must specify a key and a value as strings, and an operation. The operation defaults to :set if not specified.

If you specify a level, it will be used; otherwise the logger’s default attribute level is used. Raises Errors::UnknownLevelError if you specify a level that doesn’t exist.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 200
def attribute(key_, value_, operation_=nil, level_=true, progname_=nil)
  if level_ == true
    level_obj_ = @attribute_level
    level_obj_ = @level_group.get(level_)
    if level_obj_.nil?
      raise Errors::UnknownLevelError, level_
  return true if level_obj_ < @level
  @processor.attribute(,, progname_ || @record_progname || @progname, @current_record_id, key_, value_, operation_))
attribute_level() click to toggle source

Get the current attribute level setting for this logger as a Sawmill::Level.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 299
def attribute_level
attribute_level=(value_) click to toggle source

Set the current attribute level setting for this logger. You may specify the level as a string, a symbol, an integer, or a Sawmill::Level. Ruby’s logger constants such as ::Logger::INFO will also work.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 309
def attribute_level=(value_)
  if value_.kind_of?(Level)
    @attribute_level = value_
    level_obj_ = @level_group.get(value_)
    if level_obj_.nil?
      raise Errors::UnknownLevelError, value_
    @attribute_level = level_obj_
begin_record(id_=nil) click to toggle source

Emits a #begin_record log entry. This begins a new log record.

If you pass a string ID, that ID is used as the record ID for the new log record. If you leave it as nil, an ID is generated for you, using the record id generator for this logger. In either case, the record ID for the new record is returned.

If you call this when a record is already open, the current record is automatically closed before the new record is opened. That is, an #end_record is implicitly called in this case.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 159
def begin_record(id_=nil)
  end_record if @current_record_id
  @current_record_id = (id_ ||
  @processor.begin_record(,, @record_progname || @progname, @current_record_id))
close() click to toggle source

Close the logger by finishing the log entry processor to which it is emitting log entries. Returns the value returned by the processor’s finish method.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 235
def close
current_record_id() click to toggle source

Returns the record ID for the currently open log record, or nil if there is not a log record currently open.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 170
def current_record_id
end_record() click to toggle source

Ends the current log record by emitting an #end_record log entry, if a record is currently open. Returns the record ID of the ended log record if one was open, or nil if no log record was open.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 179
def end_record
  if @current_record_id
    @processor.end_record(,, @record_progname || @progname, @current_record_id))
    id_ = @current_record_id
    @current_record_id = nil
level() click to toggle source

Get the current level setting for this logger as a Sawmill::Level.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 270
def level
Also aliased as: sev_threshold
level=(value_) click to toggle source

Set the current level setting for this logger. You may specify the level as a string, a symbol, an integer, or a Sawmill::Level. Ruby’s logger constants such as ::Logger::INFO will also work.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 280
def level=(value_)
  if value_.kind_of?(Level)
    @level = value_
    level_obj_ = @level_group.get(value_)
    if level_obj_.nil?
      raise Errors::UnknownLevelError, value_
    @level = level_obj_
Also aliased as: sev_threshold=
level_group() click to toggle source

Get the LevelGroup in use by this Logger. This setting cannot be changed once the logger is constructed.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 325
def level_group
log(level_, message_=nil, progname_=nil, &block_) click to toggle source
Alias for: add
method_missing(method_, *args_, &block_) click to toggle source

You may call additional methods on the logger as shortcuts to log messages at specific levels, or to query whether the logger is logging to a given level. These methods match the corresponding methods in the classic ruby logger object, except that they are configurable for custom level schemes.

For example, in the standard level scheme, the method “info” is defined, so you may call:"MainApp") { "Received connection from #{ip}" }
# ... "Waiting for input from user"
# ... { "User typed #{input}" }

You may also call:  # Returns true if INFO messages are accepted

Methods available in the standard level scheme are as follows:

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • fatal

  • unknown

  • any

The “unknown” and “any” methods both correspond to the ANY level. The latter is the preferred name under Sawmill. The former is for backward compatibility with ruby’s classic logger.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 373
def method_missing(method_, *args_, &block_)
  method_name_ = method_.to_s
  question_ = method_name_[-1..-1] == '?'
  method_name_ = method_name_[0..-2] if question_
  level_ = @level_group.lookup_method(method_name_)
  return super(method_, *args_, &block_) unless level_
  if question_
    level_ >= @level
    add(level_, nil, args_[0], &block_)
progname() click to toggle source

Get the current progname setting for this logger

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 242
def progname
progname=(value_) click to toggle source

Set the current progname setting for this logger

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 249
def progname=(value_)
  @progname = value_.to_s.gsub(%r\s+/, '')
record_progname() click to toggle source

Get the current record progname setting for this logger

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 256
def record_progname
record_progname=(value_) click to toggle source

Set the current record progname setting for this logger

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 263
def record_progname=(value_)
  @record_progname = value_.to_s.gsub(%r\s+/, '')
set_attribute(key_, value_) click to toggle source

Emits a set-attribute log entry in the current record. You must specify a key and a value as strings.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 218
def set_attribute(key_, value_)
  attribute(key_, value_, :set)
sev_threshold() click to toggle source
Alias for: level
sev_threshold=(value_) click to toggle source
Alias for: level=
to_generate_record_id(&block_) click to toggle source

Provide a block that generates and returns a unique record ID string. This block will be called when #begin_record is called without an explicit ID provided. If you do not provide a block, Sawmill will use a default generator which uses the variant 4 (random) UUID standard.

# File lib/sawmill/logger.rb, line 335
def to_generate_record_id(&block_)
  @record_id_generator = block_ || Logger._get_default_record_id_generator