class Sawmill::LevelGroup

A level group is a group of related levels that can be ordered and used in a log. A given log is always associated with exactly one group, which controls what levels are available for log entries.

Normally, you will use Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS, which defines levels corresponding to the ones available in the classic ruby logger class. However, this class is available to define custom level hierarchies.

Public Class Methods

new(&block_) click to toggle source

Create a level group. You must provide a block that calls methods of Sawmill::LevelGroup::Builder to define the levels in the group.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 111
def initialize(&block_)
  @level_order = []
  @level_names = {}
  @level_methods = {}
  @default = nil

Public Instance Methods

column_width() click to toggle source

Return the length of the longest name in the group.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 148
def column_width
  @level_order.inject(0) do |width_, level_|
    w_ =
    w_ > width_ ? w_ : width_
default() click to toggle source

Return the default level, the one used when no level is specified.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 127
def default
  @default ||= highest
get(name_) click to toggle source

Get a level in this group.

You may pass either an integer value, a level name, a level object, or nil. If you pass nil, the default level is returned. Otherwise, the level corresponding to the given parameter is returned. If no level in this group corresponds to the parameter, nil is returned.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 170
def get(name_)
  case name_
  when ::Integer
  when Level
    @level_order[name_.value] == name_ ? name_ : nil
  when ::Symbol, ::String
  when nil
highest() click to toggle source

Return the highest level in the group.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 141
def highest
lookup_method(method_name_) click to toggle source

Look up a level by a logger method name.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 158
def lookup_method(method_name_)
lowest() click to toggle source

Return the lowest level in the group.

# File lib/sawmill/level.rb, line 134
def lowest