module Sawmill

This module is a namespace for Sawmill.

It also contains some convenience class methods.



Sawmill::Formatter is an alternate name for Sawmill::EntryProcessor::Format


Sawmill::RecordBuilder is an alternate name for Sawmill::EntryProcessor::BuildRecords


A LevelGroup that corresponds to the classic ruby logger levels.


Current gem version, as a Versionomy::Value if the versionomy library is available, or as a frozen string if not.


Current gem version, as a frozen string.

Public Class Methods

date_based_logfile(filepath_, frequency_, opts_={}) click to toggle source

Creates a new logger that writes to a logfile that rotates automatically by tagging filenames with a datestamp.

You must provide the file path prefix, and a turnover frequency. Possible values for the turnover frequency are :yearly, :monthly, :daily, :hourly, and :never.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::Logger#new, Sawmill::EntryProcessor::Format#new, Sawmill::Rotater#new, and Sawmill::Rotater::DateBasedLogFile#new, which are:


Use a custom Sawmill::LevelGroup. Normally, you should leave this set to the default, which is Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS.


Default level to use for log messages when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s default, which in the case of the standard levels is :INFO.


Default level to use for attributes when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s highest, level, which in the case of the standard levels is :ANY.


Progname to use in log messages. Default is “sawmill”.


Progname to use in special log entries dealing with log records (i.e. record delimiters and attribute messages). Default is the same as the normal progname setting.


A proc that generates and returns a new record ID if one is not explicitly passed into begin_record. If you do not provide a generator, the default one is used, which generates an ID using the variant 4 (random) UUID standard.


Write the record ID in every log entry. Default is false.


Number of digits of fractional seconds to write in timestamps. Default is 2. Accepted values are 0 to 6.


Column width of the level field.


If true, outputs local time with the timezone offset indicator. If false (the default), outputs UTC.


If true, outputs time in strict ISO 8601 format. If false (the default), outputs a slightly more readable format.


If true, omit standard logfile directives. Default is false.


The base directory used if the filepath is a relative path. If not specified, the current working directory is used.


The logfile name suffix. In the filename “rails.2009-10-11.log”, the suffix is “.log”. If not specified, defaults to “.log”.


If true, use the local timezone to create datestamps. The default is to use UTC.


Specify an encoding name for file data. (Ruby 1.9 only) If not specified, uses the default external encoding.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 242
def date_based_logfile(filepath_, frequency_, opts_={})
  rotater_ =, opts_.merge(:path_prefix => filepath_,
    :turnover_frequency => frequency_))
  processor_ =, opts_.dup) => processor_))
open_entries(globs_, opts_={}, &block_) click to toggle source

Open one or more log files and run them through an entry processor. The processor is built on the fly using the EntryProcessor DSL. See EntryProcessor#build for more details.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::MultiParser#new, which are:


Sawmill::LevelGroup to use to parse log levels. If not specified, Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS is used by default.


If set to true, causes any incomplete log records to be emitted in their incomplete state when EOF is reached on all streams.

Additionally, these options are recognized:


Specify an encoding for file data. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, reads raw bytes (e.g. defaults to ‘ASCII-8BIT’). Note that the encoding may also be modified by the file itself, if an appropriate parser directive is encountered.


Specify an encoding to transcode to. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, uses the encoding as read from the file.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 277
def open_entries(globs_, opts_={}, &block_)
  processor_ =
  open_files(globs_, processor_, opts_.merge(:finish => true))
open_files(globs_, processor_, opts_={}) click to toggle source

Open one or more log files and run them through the given EntryProcessor or RecordProcessor.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::MultiParser#new, which are:


Sawmill::LevelGroup to use to parse log levels. If not specified, Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS is used by default.


If set to true, causes any incomplete log records to be emitted in their incomplete state when EOF is reached on all streams.

Additionally, these options are recognized:


If set to true, the “finish” method is called on the processor after all files have been parsed, and the return value is returned. Otherwise, the processor is left open and nil is returned.


Specify an encoding for file data. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, reads raw bytes (e.g. defaults to ‘ASCII-8BIT’). Note that the encoding may also be modified by the file itself, if an appropriate parser directive is encountered.


Specify an encoding to transcode to. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, uses the encoding as read from the file.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 346
def open_files(globs_, processor_, opts_={})
  finish_opt_ = opts_.delete(:finish)
  encoding_ = opts_.delete(:encoding)
  internal_encoding_ = opts_.delete(:internal_encoding)
  mode_ = 'r'
  if defined?(::Encoding)
    if !encoding_
      encoding_ = ::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
    elsif encoding_ && !encoding_.respond_to?(:name)
      encoding_ = ::Encoding.find(encoding_)
    if internal_encoding_ && !internal_encoding_.respond_to?(:name)
      internal_encoding_ = ::Encoding.find(internal_encoding_)
    if encoding_
      mode_ << ":#{}"
    encoding_ = nil
    internal_encoding_ = nil
  globs_ = [globs_] unless globs_.kind_of?(::Array)
  io_array_ = []
  encoding_array_ = []
  internal_encoding_array_ = []
    globs_.each do |glob_|
      ::Dir.glob(glob_).each do |path_|
        if path_ =~ %r\.gz$/
          io_ =, 'rb')
          io_array_ <<
          encoding_array_ << encoding_
          internal_encoding_array_ << internal_encoding_
          io_array_ <<, mode_)
          encoding_array_ << nil
          internal_encoding_array_ << internal_encoding_
    opts_[:encoding_array] = encoding_array_ if encoding_array_.find{ |elem_| elem_ }
    opts_[:internal_encoding_array] = internal_encoding_array_ if internal_encoding_array_.find{ |elem_| elem_ }, processor_, opts_).parse_all
    io_array_.each do |io_|
      io_.close rescue nil
  finish_opt_ ? processor_.finish : nil
open_records(globs_, opts_={}, &block_) click to toggle source

Open one or more log files and run them through a record processor. The processor is built on the fly using the RecordProcessor DSL. See RecordProcessor#build for more details.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::MultiParser#new, which are:


Sawmill::LevelGroup to use to parse log levels. If not specified, Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS is used by default.


If set to true, causes any incomplete log records to be emitted in their incomplete state when EOF is reached on all streams.

Additionally, these options are recognized:


Specify an encoding for file data. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, reads raw bytes (e.g. defaults to ‘ASCII-8BIT’). Note that the encoding may also be modified by the file itself, if an appropriate parser directive is encountered.


Specify an encoding to transcode to. (Ruby 1.9 only.) You may specify an encoding name or an encoding object. If not specified, uses the encoding as read from the file.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 310
def open_records(globs_, opts_={}, &block_)
  processor_ =
  open_files(globs_, processor_, opts_.merge(:finish => true))
shifting_logfile(filepath_, period_, max_size_, opts_={}) click to toggle source

Creates a new logger that writes to a logfile that rotates automatically by “shifting”. This is a standard rotation strategy used by many unix tools.

You must provide the logfile path, a shifting period, and a maximum file size.

The period specifies how often to rotate the logfile. Possible values include :yearly, :monthly, :daily, and :hourly. You may also specify an integer value, which is interpreted as a number of seconds. Finally, you may pass nil to disable checking of the file’s age. If you do pass nil, you should provide a maximum size.

The maximum size is the maximum file size in bytes. You may provide a number, or nil to disable checking of the file size.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::Logger#new, Sawmill::EntryProcessor::Format#new, Sawmill::Rotater#new, and Sawmill::Rotater::ShiftingLogFile#new, which are:


Use a custom Sawmill::LevelGroup. Normally, you should leave this set to the default, which is Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS.


Default level to use for log messages when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s default, which in the case of the standard levels is :INFO.


Default level to use for attributes when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s highest, level, which in the case of the standard levels is :ANY.


Progname to use in log messages. Default is “sawmill”.


Progname to use in special log entries dealing with log records (i.e. record delimiters and attribute messages). Default is the same as the normal progname setting.


A proc that generates and returns a new record ID if one is not explicitly passed into begin_record. If you do not provide a generator, the default one is used, which generates an ID using the variant 4 (random) UUID standard.


Write the record ID in every log entry. Default is false.


Number of digits of fractional seconds to write in timestamps. Default is 2. Accepted values are 0 to 6.


Column width of the level field.


If true, outputs local time with the timezone offset indicator. If false (the default), outputs UTC.


If true, outputs time in strict ISO 8601 format. If false (the default), outputs a slightly more readable format.


If true, omit standard logfile directives. Default is false.


The base directory used if the filepath is a relative path. If not specified, the current working directory is used.


The maximum number of old logfiles (files with indexes) to keep. Files beyond this history size will be automatically deleted. Default is 1. This value must be at least 1.


Specify an encoding name for file data. (Ruby 1.9 only) If not specified, uses the default external encoding.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 171
def shifting_logfile(filepath_, period_, max_size_, opts_={})
  rotater_ =, opts_.merge(:file_path => filepath_,
    :max_file_size => max_size_, :shift_period => period_))
  processor_ =, opts_.dup) => processor_))
simple_logger(filepath_=::STDOUT, opts_={}) click to toggle source

Creates a new logger that writes to a single logfile. You may provide either the path to the logfile, or an IO object to write to, such as STDOUT.

You may pass the same options taken by Sawmill::Logger#new and Sawmill::EntryProcessor::Format#new, which are:


Use a custom Sawmill::LevelGroup. Normally, you should leave this set to the default, which is Sawmill::STANDARD_LEVELS.


Default level to use for log messages when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s default, which in the case of the standard levels is :INFO.


Default level to use for attributes when no level is explicitly provided. By default, this is set to the level group’s highest, level, which in the case of the standard levels is :ANY.


Progname to use in log messages. Default is “sawmill”.


Progname to use in special log entries dealing with log records (i.e. record delimiters and attribute messages). Default is the same as the normal progname setting.


A proc that generates and returns a new record ID if one is not explicitly passed into begin_record. If you do not provide a generator, the default one is used, which generates an ID using the variant 4 (random) UUID standard.


Write the record ID in every log entry. Default is false.


Number of digits of fractional seconds to write in timestamps. Default is 2. Accepted values are 0 to 6.


Column width of the level field.


If true, outputs local time with the timezone offset indicator. If false (the default), outputs UTC.


If true, outputs time in strict ISO 8601 format. If false (the default), outputs a slightly more readable format.

# File lib/sawmill/interface.rb, line 89
def simple_logger(filepath_=::STDOUT, opts_={})
  if filepath_.kind_of?(::String)
    io_ =
  elsif filepath_.respond_to?(:write) && filepath_.respond_to?(:close)
    io_ = filepath_
    raise ::ArgumentError, "You must pass a file path or an IO object"
  processor_ =, opts_.dup) => processor_))