module Versionomy::Format::Standard

This is a namespace for the implementation of the Standard schema and format.

Public Class Methods

create() click to toggle source

Create the standard format. This method is called internally when Versionomy loads the standard format, and you should not need to call it again. It is documented so that you can inspect its source code from RDoc, since the source contains useful examples of how to use the schema and format definition DSLs.

# File lib/versionomy/format_definitions/standard.rb, line 140
def self.create

  # The following is the definition of the standard schema
  schema_ = Schema.create do

    # The major field has the default value of 1. Most other fields
    # have a default value of 0. Thus, the default version number
    # overall is "1.0".
    # We first create the core version fields "major.minor.tiny.tiny2".
    field(:major, :default_value => 1) do
      field(:minor) do
        field(:tiny) do
          field(:tiny2) do

            # The next field is a symbolic field that specifies the
            # release type: e.g. beta, release candidate, release, etc.
            field(:release_type, :type => :symbol) do

              # Development releases are typically expressed like
              # "1.0d3" and are intended for unstable development
              # progress. Bumping the release type will change it to
              # alpha.
              symbol(:development, :bump => :alpha)

              # Alpha releases are typically expressed like "1.0a2" and
              # are intended for internal testing.
              # Bumping the release type advances to beta.
              symbol(:alpha, :bump => :beta)

              # Beta releases are typically expressed like "1.0b2" and
              # are intended for external or public testing.
              # Bumping the release type advances to release candidate.
              symbol(:beta, :bump => :release_candidate)

              # Release candidate releases are typically expressed like
              # "1.0rc2" and are intended for final public testing
              # prior to release.
              # Bumping the release type advances to final release.
              symbol(:release_candidate, :bump => :final)

              # Preview releases represent an alternative release type
              # progression, and are typically used for public testing
              # similar to beta or release candidate.
              # Bumping the release type advances to final release.
              symbol(:preview, :bump => :final)

              # This type represents a final release. This is the
              # default value for the release_type field if no value is
              # explicitly provided.
              # Bumping the release type has no effect.
              symbol(:final, :bump => :final)

              # If the release type is development, these fields are
              # made available to indicate which development release
              # is being represented.
              field(:development_version, :only => :development,
                    :default_value => 1) do

              # If the release type is alpha, these fields are made
              # available to indicate which alpha release is being
              # represented.
              field(:alpha_version, :only => :alpha, :default_value => 1) do

              # If the release type is beta, these fields are made
              # available to indicate which beta release is being
              # represented.
              field(:beta_version, :only => :beta, :default_value => 1) do

              # If the release type is release candidate, these fields
              # are made available to indicate which release candidate
              # is being represented.
              field(:release_candidate_version, :only => :release_candidate,
                    :default_value => 1) do

              # If the release type is preview, these fields are made
              # available to indicate which preview release is being
              # represented.
              field(:preview_version, :only => :preview, :default_value => 1) do

              # If the release type is final, these fields are made
              # available to indicate an optional patchlevel.
              field(:patchlevel, :only => :final) do

    # Add the methods in this module to each value

  # The following is the definition of the standard format. It
  # understands the standard schema defined above. do

    # All version number strings must start with the major version.
    # Unlike other fields, it is not preceded by the usual "dot"
    # delimiter, but it can be preceded by a "v" indicator.
    field(:major) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '(v\s?)?', :default_delimiter => '')

    # The remainder of the core version number are represented as
    # integers delimited by periods by default. Each is also dependent
    # on the presence of the previous field, so :requires_previous_field
    # retains its default value of true. Finally, they can be optional
    # in an unparsed string if they are set to the default value of 0.
    field(:minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:tiny) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:tiny2) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)

    # The release type field is the most complex field because of the
    # variety of syntaxes we support. The basic strategy is to map
    # a few specific sets of characters as signaling particular release
    # types. For example, the "a" in "1.0a5" signals an alpha release.
    # If no such release type marker is found, it defaults to the final
    # release type.
    # We set up two styles, a short style and a long style. Short style
    # syntax looks like "1.0a5". Long syntax looks more like
    # "1.0 Alpha 5". The parsed value retains knowledge of which style
    # it came from so it can be reconstructed when the value is unparsed.
    # Note that we turn requires_previous_field off because the release
    # type syntax markers don't require any particular set of the core
    # version number fields to be present. "1.0a5" and "" are
    # both valid version numbers.
    field(:release_type, :requires_previous_field => false,
          :default_style => :short) do
      # Some markers require a prerelease version (e.g. the 5 in
      # "1.0a5") while others don't (e.g. "1.9.2dev"). This is because
      # the syntax "1.0a" looks like a patchlevel syntax. So some of
      # the following recognizers set requires_next_field while others
      # do not.
      # Also note that we omit the value <tt>:final</tt>. This is
      # because that value is signaled by the absence of any syntax in
      # the version string, including the absence of any delimiters.
      # So we just allow it to fall through to the default.

      recognize_regexp_map(:style => :long, :default_delimiter => '',
                           :delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?') do
        map(:development, 'dev')
        map(:alpha, 'alpha')
        map(:beta, 'beta')
        map(:preview, 'preview')
      recognize_regexp_map(:style => :short, :default_delimiter => '',
                           :delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?') do
        map(:release_candidate, 'rc')
        map(:preview, 'pre')
      recognize_regexp_map(:style => :long, :default_delimiter => '',
                           :delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?') do
        map(:release_candidate, 'rc')
      recognize_regexp_map(:style => :short, :default_delimiter => '',
                           :delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?',
                           :requires_next_field => true) do
        map(:development, 'd')
        map(:alpha, 'a')
        map(:beta, 'b')

    # The main prerelease version may sometimes be optional, so we
    # mark it as optional here. If it is required, that will be
    # signalled by requires_next_field on the release_type field.
    # Minor prerelease versions are always optional.
    # Note that we override the default_value (normally 1) and set
    # it to 0 if a main prerelease version is not present. This is
    # so schema-oriented operations like bumping will set the value
    # to 1, while parsing a string will yield 0 when the field is
    # missing (e.g. we want "1.9.2dev" to mean "1.9.2dev0".)
    field(:development_version, :default_value => 0) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?', :default_delimiter => '',
                       :default_value_optional => true)
    field(:development_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:alpha_version, :default_value => 0) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?', :default_delimiter => '',
                       :default_value_optional => true)
    field(:alpha_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:beta_version, :default_value => 0) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?', :default_delimiter => '',
                       :default_value_optional => true)
    field(:beta_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:release_candidate_version, :default_value => 0) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?', :default_delimiter => '',
                       :default_value_optional => true)
    field(:release_candidate_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)
    field(:preview_version, :default_value => 0) do
      recognize_number(:delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?', :default_delimiter => '',
                       :default_value_optional => true)
    field(:preview_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)

    # The patchlevel field does not require the previous field (which is
    # release_type). Here we also set up two styles: a numeric style and
    # a letter style. So "1.0a" and "1.0-1" are equivalent.
    field(:patchlevel, :requires_previous_field => false,
          :default_value_optional => true, :default_style => :number) do
      recognize_number(:style => :number, :default_delimiter => '-',
                       :delimiter_regexp => '(-|_|\.|\s?)(p|u)|-|_')
      recognize_letter(:style => :letter, :default_delimiter => '',
                       :delimiter_regexp => '-|_|\.|\s?',
                       :expected_follower_regexp => '\z')
    field(:patchlevel_minor) do
      recognize_number(:default_value_optional => true)

    # By default, we require that at least the major and minor fields
    # appear in an unparsed version string.
    default_unparse_params(:required_fields => [:minor, :development_version, :alpha_version,
      :beta_version, :release_candidate_version, :preview_version])