class Versionomy::Conversion::Base

The base conversion class.

This base class defines the API for a conversion. All conversions must define the method convert_value documented here. Conversions need not actually extend this base class, as long as they duck-type this method. However, this base class does provide a few convenience methods such as a sane implementation of inspect.

Public Class Methods

new(&block_) click to toggle source

Create a conversion using a simple DSL. You can pass a block to the initializer that takes the same parameters as #convert_value, and the conversion will use that block to perform the conversion.

# File lib/versionomy/conversion/base.rb, line 58
def initialize(&block_)
  @_converter = block_

Public Instance Methods

convert_value(value_, format_, convert_params_=nil) click to toggle source

Convert the given value to the given format and return the converted value.

The convert_params may be interpreted however the particular conversion wishes.

Raises Versionomy::Errors::ConversionError if the conversion failed.

# File lib/versionomy/conversion/base.rb, line 71
def convert_value(value_, format_, convert_params_=nil)
  if @_converter, format_, convert_params_)
    raise Errors::ConversionError, "Conversion not implemented"
inspect() click to toggle source

Inspect this conversion.

# File lib/versionomy/conversion/base.rb, line 82
def inspect
to_s() click to toggle source

The default #to_s implementation just calls inspect.

# File lib/versionomy/conversion/base.rb, line 89
def to_s