Class: Toys::Settings

  • Object
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Defined in the toys-core gem

A settings class defines the structure of application settings, i.e. the various fields that can be set, and their types. You can define a settings structure by subclassing this base class, and using the provided methods.


To define an attribute, use the Settings.settings_attr declaration.


class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""

my_settings =
my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => false
my_settings.endpoint        # => ""
my_settings.endpoint = ""
my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => true
my_settings.endpoint        # => ""
my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => false
my_settings.endpoint        # => ""

An attribute has a name, a default value, and a type specification. The name is used to define methods for getting and setting the attribute. The default is returned if no value is set. (See the section below on parents and defaults for more information.) The type specification governs what values are allowed. (See the section below on type specifications.)

Attribute names must start with an ascii letter, and may contain only ascii letters, digits, and underscores. Unlike method names, they may not include non-ascii unicode characters, nor may they end with ! or ?. Additionally, the name method_missing is not allowed because of its special behavior in Ruby.

Each attribute defines four methods: a getter, a setter, an unsetter, and a set detector. In the above example, the attribute named :endpoint creates the following four methods:

  • endpoint - retrieves the attribute value, or a default if not set.
  • endpoint=(value) - sets a new attribute value.
  • endpoint_unset! - unsets the attribute, reverting to a default.
  • endpoint_set? - returns a boolean, whether the attribute is set.


A group is a settings field that itself is a Settings object. You can use it to group settings fields in a hierarchy.


class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
  settings_group :service_flags do
    settings_attr :verbose, default: false
    settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false

my_settings =
my_settings.service_flags.verbose      # => false
my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true
my_settings.service_flags.verbose      # => true
my_settings.endpoint                   # => ""

You can define a group inline, as in the example above, or create an explicit settings class and use it for the group. For example:

class Flags < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :verbose, default: false
  settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false
class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
  settings_group :service_flags, Flags

my_settings =
my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true

If the module enclosing a subclass of Settings is itself a subclass of Settings, then the class is automatically added to its enclosing class as a group. For example:

class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
  # Automatically adds this as the group service_flags.
  # The name is inferred (snake_cased) from the class name.
  class ServiceFlags < Toys::Settings
    settings_attr :verbose, default: false
    settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false

my_settings =
my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true

Type specifications

A type specification is a restriction on the types of values allowed for a settings field. Every attribute has a type specification. You can set it explicitly by providing a :type argument or a block. If a type specification is not provided explicitly, it is inferred from the default value of the attribute.

Type specifications can be any of the following:

  • A Module, restricting values to those that include the module.

    For example, a type specification of Enumerable would accept [123] but not 123.

  • A Class, restricting values to that class or any subclass.

    For example, a type specification of Time would accept but not

    Note that some classes will convert (i.e. parse) strings. For example, a type specification of Integer will accept the string "-123"and convert it to the value-123`. Classes that support parsing include:

    • Date
    • DateTime
    • Float
    • Integer
    • Regexp
    • Symbol
    • Time
  • A Regexp, restricting values to strings matching the regexp.

    For example, a type specification of /^\w+$/ would match "abc" but not "abc!".

  • A Range, restricting values to objects that fall in the range and are of the same class (or a subclass) as the endpoints. String values are accepted if they can be converted to the endpoint class as specified by a class type specification.

    For example, a type specification of (1..5) would match 5 but not 6. It would also match "5" because the String can be parsed into an Integer in the range.

  • A specific value, any Symbol, String, Numeric, or the values nil, true, or false, restricting the value to only that given value.

    For example, a type specification of :foo would match :foo but not :bar.

    (It might not seem terribly useful to have an attribute that can take only one value, but this type is generally used as part of a union type, described below, to implement an enumeration.)

  • An Array representing a union type, each of whose elements is one of the above types. Values are accepted if they match any of the elements.

    For example, a type specification of [:a, :b :c] would match :a but not "a". Similarly, a type specification of [String, Integer, nil] would match "hello", 123, or nil, but not 123.4.

  • A Proc that takes the proposed value and returns either the value if it is legal, the converted value if it can be converted to a legal value, or the constant ILLEGAL_VALUE if it cannot be converted to a legal value. You may also pass a block to settings_attr to set a Proc type specification.

  • A Type that checks and converts values.

If you do not explicitly provide a type specification, one is inferred from the attribute's default value. The rules are:

  • If the default value is true or false, then the type specification inferred is [true, false].

  • If the default value is nil or not provided, then the type specification allows any object (i.e. is equivalent to Object).

  • Otherwise, the type specification allows any value of the same class as the default value. For example, if the default value is "", the effective type specification is String.


class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  # Allows only strings because the default is a string.
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""

class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  # Allows strings or nil.
  settings_attr :endpoint, default: "", type: [String, nil]

class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
  # Raises ArgumentError because the default is nil, which does not
  # match the type specification. (You should either allow nil
  # explicitly with `type: [String, nil]` or set the default to a
  # suitable string such as the empty string "".)
  settings_attr :endpoint, type: String

Settings parents

A settings object can have a "parent" which provides the values if they are not set in the settings object. This lets you organize settings as "defaults" and "overrides". A parent settings object provides the defaults, and a child can selectively override certain values.

To set the parent for a settings object, pass it as the argument to the Settings constructor. When a field in a settings object is queried, it looks up the value as follows:

  • If a field value is explicitly set in the settings object, that value is returned.
  • If the field is not set in the settings object, but the settings object has a parent, the parent is queried. If that parent also does not have a value for the field, it may query its parent in turn, and so forth.
  • If we encounter a root settings with no parent, and still no value is set for the field, the default is returned.


class MySettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :str, default: "default"

root_settings =
child_settings =
child_settings.str        # => "default"
root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
child_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
child_settings.str = "value_from_child"
child_settings.str        # => "value_from_child"
child_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
child_settings.str        # => "default"

Parents are honored through groups as well. For example:

class MySettings < Toys::Settings
  settings_group :flags do
    settings_attr :verbose, default: false
    settings_attr :force, default: false

root_settings =
child_settings =
child_settings.flags.verbose       # => false
root_settings.flags.verbose = true
child_settings.flags.verbose       # => true

Usually, a settings and its parent (and its parent, and so forth) should have the same class. This guarantees that they define the same fields with the same type specifications. However, this is not required. If a parent does not define a particular field, it is treated as if that field is unset, and lookup proceeds to its parent. To illustrate:

class Settings1 < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :str, default: "default"
class Settings2 < Toys::Settings

root_settings =
child_settings =  # does not have str
grandchild_settings =

grandchild_settings.str        # => "default"
root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
grandchild_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"

Type specifications are enforced when falling back to parent values. If a parent provides a value that is not allowed, it is treated as if the field is unset, and lookup proceeds to its parent.

class Settings1 < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :str, default: "default"  # type spec is String
class Settings2 < Toys::Settings
  settings_attr :str, default: 0  # type spec is Integer

root_settings =
child_settings =
grandchild_settings =

grandchild_settings.str        # => "default"
child_settings.str = 123       # does not match grandchild's type
root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
grandchild_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"

Direct Known Subclasses


Defined Under Namespace

Classes: FieldError, Type

Constant Summary collapse


A special value indicating a type check failure.

A special type specification indicating infer from the default value.

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(parent: nil) ⇒ Settings

Create a settings instance.


  • parent (Settings, nil) (defaults to: nil)

    Optional parent settings.

# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 406

def initialize(parent: nil)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

Class Method Details

.settings_attr(name, default: nil, type: DEFAULT_TYPE, &block) ⇒ Object

Add an attribute field.


  • name (Symbol, String)

    The name of the attribute.

  • default (Object) (defaults to: nil)

    Optional. The final default value if the field is not set in this settings object or any of its ancestors. If not provided, nil is used.

  • type (Object) (defaults to: DEFAULT_TYPE)

    Optional. The type specification. If not provided, one is inferred from the default value.

# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 486

def settings_attr(name, default: nil, type: DEFAULT_TYPE, &block)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

.settings_group(name, klass = nil, &block) ⇒ Object

Add a group field.

Specify the group's structure by passing either a class (which must subclass Settings) or a block (which will be called on the group's class.)


  • name (Symbol, String)

    The name of the group.

  • klass (Class) (defaults to: nil)

    Optional. The class of the group (which must subclass Settings). If not present, an anonymous subclass will be created, and you must provide a block to configure it.

# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 502

def settings_group(name, klass = nil, &block)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

Instance Method Details

#load_data!(data, raise_on_failure: false) ⇒ Array<FieldError>

Load the given hash of data into this settings object.


  • data (Hash)

    The data as a hash of key-value pairs.

  • raise_on_failure (boolean) (defaults to: false)

    If true, raises an exception on the first error encountered. If false, continues parsing and returns an array of the errors raised.


# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 419

def load_data!(data, raise_on_failure: false)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

#load_json!(str, raise_on_failure: false, **json_opts) ⇒ Array<FieldError>

Parse the given JSON string and load the data into this settings object.


  • str (String)

    The JSON-formatted string.

  • raise_on_failure (boolean) (defaults to: false)

    If true, raises an exception on the first error encountered. If false, continues parsing and returns an array of the errors raised.


# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 458

def load_json!(str, raise_on_failure: false, **json_opts)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

#load_json_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: false, **json_opts) ⇒ Array<FieldError>

Parse the given JSON file and load the data into this settings object.


  • filename (String)

    The path to the JSON-formatted file.

  • raise_on_failure (boolean) (defaults to: false)

    If true, raises an exception on the first error encountered. If false, continues parsing and returns an array of the errors raised.


# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 471

def load_json_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: false, **json_opts)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

#load_yaml!(str, raise_on_failure: false) ⇒ Array<FieldError>

Parse the given YAML string and load the data into this settings object.


  • str (String)

    The YAML-formatted string.

  • raise_on_failure (boolean) (defaults to: false)

    If true, raises an exception on the first error encountered. If false, continues parsing and returns an array of the errors raised.


# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 432

def load_yaml!(str, raise_on_failure: false)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem

#load_yaml_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: false) ⇒ Array<FieldError>

Parse the given YAML file and load the data into this settings object.


  • filename (String)

    The path to the YAML-formatted file.

  • raise_on_failure (boolean) (defaults to: false)

    If true, raises an exception on the first error encountered. If false, continues parsing and returns an array of the errors raised.


# File 'core-docs/toys/settings.rb', line 445

def load_yaml_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: false)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem