Module: Toys::Completion

Defined in:


Defined in the toys-core gem

A Completion is a callable Proc that determines candidates for shell tab completion. You pass a Context object (which includes the current string fragment and other information) and it returns an array of candidates, represented by Candidate objects, for completing the fragment.

A useful method here is the class method Completion.create which takes a variety of inputs and returns a suitable completion Proc.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Base, Candidate, Context, Enum, FileSystem

Constant Summary collapse


An instance of the empty completion that returns no candidates.


  • (Toys:::Completion::Base)

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.create(spec = nil, **options, &block) ⇒ Toys::Completion::Base, Proc

Create a completion Proc from a variety of specification formats. The completion is constructed from the given specification object and/or the given block. Additionally, some completions can take a hash of options.

Recognized specs include:

  • :empty: Returns the empty completion. Any block or options are ignored.

  • :file_system: Returns a completion that searches the current directory for file and directory names. You may also pass any of the options recognized by Toys::Completion::FileSystem#initialize. The block is ignored.

  • An Array of strings. Returns a completion that uses those values as candidates. You may also pass any of the options recognized by Toys::Completion::Enum#initialize. The block is ignored.

  • A function, either passed as a Proc (where the block is ignored) or as a block (if the spec is nil). The function must behave as a completion object, taking Context as the sole argument, and returning an array of Candidate.

  • :default and nil indicate the default completion. For this method, the default is the empty completion (i.e. these are synonyms for :empty). However, other completion resolution methods might have a different default.


  • spec (Object) (defaults to: nil)

    See the description for recognized values.

  • options (Hash)

    Additional options to pass to the completion.

  • block (Proc)

    See the description for recognized forms.


# File 'core-docs/toys/completion.rb', line 325

def self.create(spec = nil, **options, &block)
  # Source available in the toys-core gem