class Versionomy::Schema::Wrapper

Schemas are generally referenced through an object of this class.

Public Class Methods

new(field_, modules_=[], aliases_={}) click to toggle source

Create a new schema wrapper object given a root field. This is a low-level method. Usually you should call Versionomy::Schema#create instead.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 75
def initialize(field_, modules_=[], aliases_={})
  @root_field = field_
  @names = @root_field._descendants_by_name
  @modules = modules_
  @aliases = {}
  aliases_.each do |k_,v_|
    k_ = k_.to_sym
    v_ = v_.to_sym
    if @names.include?(v_) && !@names.include?(k_)
      @aliases[k_] = v_

Public Instance Methods

==(obj_) click to toggle source

Returns true if this schema is compatible with the other schema. Two schemas are compatible if their root fields are the same– which means that the entire field tree is the same. They may, however, include different value modules. Note that this is different from the definition of eql?.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 117
def ==(obj_)
===(obj_) click to toggle source

If the RHS is a schema, returns true if the schemas are equivalent. If the RHS is a value, returns true if the value uses this schema.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 125
def ===(obj_)
  if obj_.kind_of?(Value)
    obj_.schema == self
    obj_ == self
aliases() click to toggle source

Returns a hash of field name aliases.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 185
def aliases
canonical_name(name_) click to toggle source

Return the canonical field name given a name, or nil if the name is not recognized.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 149
def canonical_name(name_)
  name_ = name_.to_sym
  name_ = @aliases[name_] || name_
  @names.include?(name_) ? name_ : nil
eql?(obj_) click to toggle source

Returns true if this schema is equivalent to the other schema. Two schemas are equivalent if their root fields are the same– which means that the entire field tree is the same– and they include the same value modules. Note that this is different from the definition of ==.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 105
def eql?(obj_)
  return false unless obj_.kind_of?(Schema::Wrapper)
  return @root_field == obj_.root_field && @modules == obj_.modules && @aliases == obj_.aliases
field_named(name_, include_aliases_=false) click to toggle source

Return the field with the given name, or nil if the given name is not found in this schema. If include_aliases_ is set to true, this also supports lookup by alias.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 160
def field_named(name_, include_aliases_=false)
  name_ = name_.to_sym
  name_ = @aliases[name_] || name_ if include_aliases_
modules() click to toggle source

Returns an array of modules that should be included in values that use this schema.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 178
def modules
names() click to toggle source

Returns an array of names present in this schema, in no particular order. Does not include aliases.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 170
def names
root_field() click to toggle source

Returns the root (most significant) field in this schema.

# File lib/versionomy/schema/wrapper.rb, line 141
def root_field